忙碌壓力太大時 Too Busy and Stressed ?

2013-02-25 16:50

因為做不完的事而感到壓力太大時 來到主身邊 聽見主說

If you are stressed out because of your endless to-to-list, come to the Lord and listen to Him:


你不必面面俱到 不必做完每一件事 不必做到完美

You don't have to be everything to everyone.  You don't have to do everything.  You don't have to do it to the perfection.


那我就沒有機會展現我的大能 讓你常常經歷我對你的愛了

If you are perfect like you wanted, you leave no room for me to demonstrate my power and for you to experience my love from time to time.


因為我的能力 是在人的軟弱上顯得完全

My power is made perfect in your weakness. (2 Corinthians 12:9)


信任我 我的意念高過你的意念 我的道路高過你的道路

Trust me.  My thoughts are higher than yours.  My ways are higher than yours. (Isaiah 55:9)


我對你有更美好的計畫 我會引導你

I have better plans for you than your own plans.  I will lead you.


放下你的掛慮 放下你的重擔

So let go your worry.  Let go your burden.


你不用一直不停地思索如何解決難題 也不必勞勞碌碌的忙個不停

You don't have to keep trying to figure out how to solve your problems and get exhausted.  You don't have to get so busy all the time.


你不必做好每一件事 令每一個人滿意

You don't have to do everything "right" and satisfy everyone.


你是我所深愛的 是我看為寶為尊的

You are my beloved.  You are precious and honorable in my sight.


所以 放鬆! 細察我是愛你照顧你的天父

So relax!  Experience how I love you and take care of you as your Father.


我要你享受我所賜你的每一天 上好的福分

I want you to enjoy every day I give you.  Enjoy the best blessings from heaven.