
Dear friend,

In Jeremiah 29:11, God says, "I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for."  God’s plan is to take care of us.  And as we take care of people with a grateful heart, God will bless us more to help more people. 

Now you can take action to do God's word through becoming our partner.  Your support, may it be prayer,  the purchase of products, or donation will help people around the world.   You will receive a personal prayer.  We will pray for you daily that your life will not be the same any more. And you are helping people around the world to have what God wants them to have and become what God wants them to be through supporting this ministry. You are important!  Please e-mail us at ( Please include your name and mailing address to receive gifts)

We love to see you soar as an eagle!




耶利米書29:11 "耶 和 華 說 、 我 知 道 我 向 你 們 所 懷 的 意 念 、 是 賜 平 安 的 意 念 、 不 是 降 災 禍 的 意 念 、 要 叫 你 們 末 後 有 指 望 。神說:我知道我在做什麼, 我都計畫好了, 是要照顧你, 不會不顧你, 要給你美夢成真的未來。

神的計畫是要照顧我們, 而當我們懷著感恩顧念他人時,神將更多賜福給我們,使我們有更多能力幫助更多人。

現在您能採取行動,實踐神的話:加入展翅上騰夥伴! 您的支持,無論是代禱、購買產品、或是捐獻,將能幫助我們觸及全世界。您將收到一封個人禱告的郵件, 我們會天天為您禱告, 您的生命將不再一樣, 您更幫助了我們服事世界各地人們能得著神要人得著的與成為神要人成為的. 您的支持非常重要!  請聯絡請註明姓名與郵寄地址以收贈品)
