What We Believe:

The Bible is the Word of God.

The one true God has the nature of the trinity: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

God is Love. God loves you!

Man was created by God but separated from God by sin.

God has sent His only son, Jesus, to be crucified on the cross for our sin and the resurrection has been given to Christ Jesus.

You can receive the everlasting life, become a child of God the Father, receive the Holy Spirit to live in you, have a personal relationship with God, and enjoy numorous wonderful promises in the bible through the following prayer.

step 1 Say this prayer with believing in heart:

Lord Jesus, I repent my sin. Please come into my heart. I receive you as my savior and the Lord of my life. In the name of Jesus. Amen!

step 2 E-mail us at SoarAsEagle@outlook.com   Go to a Christian bookstore to buy a bible and read it everyday.

step 3 Go to a bible based church to arrange the baptizm.






這一位真神(上帝)有三位一體的性質: 聖父、 聖子、聖靈。

上帝就是愛。上帝愛你 !

人是由上帝創造的 但因罪與神隔離。

上帝差他的獨生子-耶穌為我們的罪被釘十字架 並且耶穌基督已復活。

您能領受永恆的生命、成為父神的孩子、接受聖靈內住在您裡面、 與神建立個人關係、得享聖經上無數美好的應許-只要照以下步驟:

第 1 步 用相信的心說出以下祈禱文:

主耶穌,我悔改我的罪。請進入我的心。我接受你作我的救主和我生命的主。奉耶穌的名, 阿們!

第2步 email 我們 SaorAsEagle@outlook.com 或到基督教書房/網路 買聖經天天讀

第 3 步 到教導聖經的教會 安排接受洗禮。