Busy? 忙碌嗎?

2017-07-05 16:38


A very successful doctor in computer sciences, author, speaker aound the world, and minister was asked how he could manage such a busy and prodoctive lifestyle.  He answered, "I am not busy.  God doesn't tell me to do two things at a time or to be at two places at the same time." 


有位成就非凡的電腦博士、作者、全球性演講家與服事者,被問到如何能管理這麼忙碌有效率的生活,他回答 :「我不忙,神沒叫我同一時間做兩件事與出現在兩個地方。」


A Chinese saying describes busy life: There's no method to have another me!  (分身乏術)   How we wish that we can have many "me"s to do our never ending to-do-list.  However, according to psychology research, most of things that makes us busy are related to our fear, worry, frustration, rejection, anger...  These burdens make us busy and worn out, yet not productive. 

成語「分身乏術」說得好,我們多麼希望能有很多個分身的「我」,來做完所有的待辦事項。然而,根據心理學研究,我們大部分的忙碌,源自恐懼、憂慮、挫折、被拒絕、憤怒...  這些重擔使我們忙碌疲累,卻無成就感。


In a famous event in the bible, Martha was so busy that she asked Jesus to make her sister,Mary, who's listening to Jesus, to help her.  Jesus said to Martha, "Martha, Martha, you are anxious about many things but only one thing is essential.  Mary has it, the best blessing that no one can take away from her."  What is it?  It is focusing on what God's telling us to do. 

聖經裡有件著名的事情,馬大忙碌到要耶穌叫她妹妹瑪利亞來幫忙,而瑪利亞卻坐在耶穌腳前聆聽他。耶穌對馬大說:「馬大,馬大,妳為許多的事煩擾焦慮,但是不可少的只有一件,瑪利亞已經得了那上好的福分,是沒有人能奪去的。」那是什麼? 就是專心做神叫我們做的 。


We only need to do what God tells us to do.  We don't have to do everything.  We don't have to fix everyone like Martha tried.  We don't have to live an anxious and busy lifestyle.  We can enjoy a God-given good life!
